
Safety tips

Learn how you can keep your family and home safe by being prepared and taking the right precautions.

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Winter weather alert terms

Know what each weather alert means and when to take action.
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10 home safety tips

Learn how you can keep your family safe by taking precautions at home. Learn the top 10 general home safety tips with Direct Energy!
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Summer home safety tips

Keep your family and pets safe with our summer home safety tips. Learn how to keep your home cool during Alberta warm season.
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Safety tips for winter weather emergencies in Alberta

Follow these safety tips to be prepared for extreme winter conditions in Alberta and create peace of mind for your family. Keep a printout of our winter weather preparedness checklist on hand.
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Tips for a long power outage

To make sure your household is prepared for a prolonged power outage, consider our safety tips and plan ahead.
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7 essential home security tips

Here are 7 steps on how you can help keep your home safe from home invasions.
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Carbon monoxide and gas safety tips

Learn what is carbon monoxide, where can it come from in your home, and why it's dangerous.
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Home electrical safety tips

Keep your family safe from electrical hazards with these top electrical safety tips at home.
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What's the best indoor temperature for my pets in winter?

Learn how to take care of your pets and your heating bills in winter.
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